The Holobalance project was presented on the second day of the 19th IAPA Conference 2018 in Egypt
- Start: 2018-10-18 8:30 AM
- End: 2018-10-21 6:00 PM
Cairo Governorate, Egypt
IAPA is an Association of Physicians working in the field of Audio-Vestibular Medicine, striving to spread knowledge of best clinical practice, research, ethics and education in the field of audio-vestibular medicine and promote international co-operation between Audio-vestibular Medicine and related specialities.
On the Friday 19th October under the “SESSION 4: VESTIBULAR AND BALANCE REHABILITATION (HOLOBALANCE): A MULTI-COLLABORATIVE EUROPEAN PROJECT” our clinicians Doris Bamiou (UK), Dimitris Kikidis (Greece), Christoph Mauer (Germany), Marousa Pavlou (UK) had the opportunity to present the Holobalance project.
Photo Credits: @IAPAegypt